Pindaya is a peaceful, small town set in beautiful rural settings. Set deep in the hillsides, the impressive labyrinthine cave Shwe Oo Min, which houses over 8,000 Buddha images of varying sizes is a unique attraction in Pindaya. The region is mainly inhabited by the Danu people. Nearby villages are home to members of the Pa-O tribe. The town is a starting point for treks further afield to the hill villages of the Palaung, Taungyo and Danu tribes.
Pindaya Caves: This sacred cave complex features over 8.000 Buddha images made from alabaster, teak, marble, brick, lacquer and cement. The caves burrow into a limestone ridge overlooking Pindaya. Unusual features are a set of stalagmites that can be struck with large wooden beams to produce tones like a gong. There are also "perspiring Buddhas", which stay wet because of condensation, but which are dry now, having been painted recently.
Umbrella Factory: A chance for a detailed look at the making of the famous Shan paper and beautiful Burmese umbrellas.